Tuesday 18 January 2011

If I'm learning, so can you

This morning on my way home from the school run I had a thought: "I'm learning so much and if I'm learning a lot at the moment, you can too" 
There are people I've learned from by watching their lives & listening to how they speak about things - so here's hoping that what I'm learning isn't just for me.
As Brian Houston says in his book 'For This I Was Born' "Your vision is not just for you, it is for those to come after you"

So...here's where I'll pen my thoughts and you can read them if you're interested 

Life is full, there's no doubt about that.  Some days I wish there were 48 hours in a day.
The thing is, if I rush through it without taking time to think about it I'll miss it all.
To be honest, there are some days that I am so overwhelmed at what is on my to-do list that I want to pull my duvet over my head and stay there.
BUT it's those days that I'm reminded about how important all the little things are.  Not every day is full of amazing wonderful mountain top experiences, in fact, not many are really if we're totally honest.  More often than not it's a bunch of little things that make up the big things.
I'm challenging myself to notice the little things & do them well. That way the big things will also be done well.
Feeding the guinea pigs rather than trying to ignore them squeaking, picking up the piece of rubbish I almost walked past, writing out a birthday card for a friend, cleaning out the fish tank... really it's all the ordinary little things.

Are you with me?