Sunday 24 February 2013

Surfing through life

I often enjoy time alone to think and one of my favourite places to spend alone-time is the beach.
The North East has some beautiful beaches and I like the opportunity of just gazing out to sea.
It reminds me of childhood summers - going to Germany on the ferry, holidays with my family and many freezing cold days eating chips & ice cream with the wind blowing my hair & sand into my food.

I recently had an afternoon to myself so I went to Tynemouth and sat at the top of the cliff looking at the beach below.  It was a windy day but sunny & around 2Âșc.  Needless to say people were wrapped up against the cold!
As I looked below I saw a surfer paddling out to sea with his surfboard.  I immediately wondered how ridiculous he must be to be in such freezing water and then I just waited and watched.
He seemed to be enjoying himself with the waves in the shallow water.  Every now & then he caught a small wave & spent a couple of seconds riding it.
He spent quite a while splashing about and then as I looked beyond him I saw huge waves just out a bit further from where he was. 
I noticed that he was so busy with the small waves and yet the fun, big waves were just a little ahead.  If he had pushed through the small ones he would have had the fun big ones to play with!

How often do we busy ourselves with the small things of life that we neglect the bigger things ahead of us.  We can get distracted by the not-so-important things of life that we neglect the important things!
Don't get me wrong, we do need to go through the small waves to get to the big ones, but we cant ignore the big waves in life & think the little waves are all there is!

For me, this often looks like me pottering around the house all day thinking I'm busy but then realising how little I have really accomplished because my pottering was fussing over insignificant things!

I also had realised that from the top of the cliff by the beach I had a different perspective than the surfer & maybe he genuinely didnt see thie big waves just ahead of him.
From my perspective there was lots to be gained from pushing through the small into the deep.
We need to realise that God has a different perspective from us and sometimes the things that attract a lot of our time & attention are actually disctractions from the real stuff of life, yet we dont know it!
I challenged myself by thinking that the prime minister of England has the same 24 hours in a day as me, he just uses it differently!

How many things have we put off because it seems just a bit too risky or it makes us feel uncomfortable because it's just too big or too much?

How many times do we wish we had just pushed through a pain barrier to the bigger more rewarding things?

In the great words of a popular sports brand, "Just do it!"