Tuesday 8 November 2011

Seasons of change

It's safe to say this is an 'interesting' season we're in at the moment.
When pressure is applied to something whatever is inside comes out (sounds a bit yucky) Thinking about it this way, if you squeeze an orange the juice comes out.

Over the last few months we have been going through some difficult pressures, both in our family and in our church family.  Amongst other things we've negotiated some interesting venue issues and one of our beautiful young girls in church graduated to heaven.
What Jon & I have seen is a community of amazing people who we dearly love rise up and show what true gems are inside.
We have seen people come together to fast and pray, we've seen people meet needs practically through cooking meals, sharing financially and blessing people in other practical ways.
We've seen the strength of our church family in action and the pressure that has been applied has shown the glory of God.
By no means is it over - quite the opposite.  Whatever challenges each season holds equips us for the next, which equally has it's own challenges. That's the nature of growth.
As this season continues I can honestly say I have known nothing like it but I can also honestly say I've never been more proud of my husband, my kids and my church family and never had more to thank God for than right now.
We obviously need strength for whatever is to come. Here's to an incredible future! Bring it on :-)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Dee. We're so blessed to have been placed by God in this community and under great Pastors. You have stood and held us up when we had nothing left in the tank but tears. The church community has been a tower of strength, and that is because of the culture that you and Jon and the team have worked to be at the core of the church. Thank you.
